Introduction : English is an international language. Today, it has become a media for linking oneself with international communication channels and moving through information highways. Even the teaching and learning of English has already taken a stable place in the education system of Bangladesh. In the changing global circumstances, it is assumed that in future English will claim even more attention in our national level of education. However, the issue of English Language Teaching (ELT) is high on the incumbent government's agenda.
Present state and status of English in Bangladesh : In the constitution of Bangladesh, Bangla is declared as state language and there is no mention regarding the status that is to be given to English. During Pakistan period, English enjoyed the status of official language in this territory. It was used in the administration, higher education and as a link language between educated speakers of Bengali and Urdu.
Now in Bangladesh, English is taught as a foreign language in the curriculum. Since 1992, it is introduced as a compulsory subject and remains so until 14th grade in the national curriculum. Outside the government funded institutions, there are innumerable language centers, English medium schools and a good number of private universities who teach English according to their own curriculum and syllabuses.
At present, there are no training institutes exclusively for English teachers in Bangladesh. The usually followed methodology for classroom language teaching is Grammar-Translation method. In the examination system ranging from primary to tertiary level, the topics of prime focus usually include questions based on prose and poetry, grammar items, reading comprehension, translation, paragraph writing, letter writing and composition writing. Besides, the evaluation of the contents of English text books shows mat students' ability of communication through language is given secondaryconsideration whereas thematic or knowledge of society is given the primary consideration. As a result, students are often deprived of the varieties of language inputs necessary for their everyday life of communication. Moreover, the students listening and writing skills are not at all measured in our testing system. However, communicative system has been introduced at secondary and higher secondary levels.
As for classroom teaching methodology, most of the language teachers come
without a background in ELT or any practical training in the field. Even until now, there has not been any formal graduation course in Enghsh Language Teaching (ELT) in Bangladesh. Among the universities, Dhaka University, at present, offers only a one year course titled 'Applied linguistics and ELT' at the masters level.
Need for learning English : In present world, English is not just a language rather it acts as indispensable resource for the countries. Because,
1 First, English as a international language is essential and common language III' international communication. It provides a common means of expressing Views and voices of the people all over the world. Thus, it is more essential I for the people of a country like ours as large number of our youths are not lihli1 to compete in this competitive world.
Second, unemployment is one of the greatest problems of our country. A large number of our educated youths are unemployed. However, they are not fit for competing in international job market. One of their incompetence in this regard is lack of proficiency in English. Because, those who have the proper knowledge of English language and communication skills, can easily move throughout the world and maintain a suitable job.
Third, the modern age is the age of science and technology. Almost all the technological and scientific terms and versions are in English. Hence, those have no proper knowledge of English language, they cannot acquire the knowledge of science and technology. So, for a country like ours, where the level of scientific and technological development is at the bottom line, the fleet! for learning English as second language is unanimous. Even technologically developed countries like Japan have also made English the second language.
Fourth, against the down fall of our garments sector, the most foreign exchange earner, government should look for other options. In this regard remittance is the second largest sector earning foreign exchanges. Thus government should undertake effective programs to increase the export manpower all over the world and seek for new markets. In this regards, priority programs is a must to make our youths proficient in English and make them able to take raining in the technical fields and communicate with the people of different languages.
Steps to be taken: We have compulsory English from grade one to fourteen, Even, communicative system has been introduced upto grade twelve, However, these initiatives are not producing the desired end result. The most dominant factors responsible for such a negative result are—
i) little or no opportunity for the students to use English in their real life;
ii) absence of a appropriate ELT system in the country; and
iii) lack of appropriate training for the teachers.
So, to address these issues both short and long term steps sfiould be taken
Short term steps
1. Introduce short non-formal English Language proficiency course : Side by side with the mainstream compulsory courses, non-formal English Language proficiency courses should be introduced. With policy and technical support of the government, these courses will be run at the government colleges and schools on a self-finance basis.
2. Introduce crash training programs : Outside the training courses in ELT offered at the Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) and Primary Training Institutes (PTIs) for the secondary and primary teachers, crash training programs should be introduced throughout the country. For this, local and private initiatives underpinned by government support would be a step forward.
Long trim steps
Training both short and long term courses is crucial for improving English language teaching and learning. Thus, in order to give English a second language status, a permanent ELT system has to be developed in the country.
Conclution: Above discussion shows that state of English Languese learning and teaching in Bangladesh is not satisfactory.It needs politices and change in our education system.Howover,managing changes,especially in education can not be done overnight.